All Shook Up

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Lead 1 (square]
Electric Guitar (muted]
Acoustic Bass


Oh well a bless a my soul oh what's _ wrong with me? I'm itch ing like a man _ on a fuz zy tree My friends say I'm ac ting wild as a bug. I'm in _ love _ I'm all shook up Oh Oh Oh Oh _ Yeah _ _ Yeah! Oh well my hands are sha ky and my knees are weak I can't seem to stand _ on my own two feet Now who do you thank when you have such luck? I'm in _ love _ I'm all shook up Oh Oh Oh Oh _ Yeah _ _ Yeah! Well please _ don't ask _ me what's _ on my mind _ I'm a lit tle mixed up, but I'm feel fine _ When I'm near the girl that I love best My heart beats so it scares _ me to death! When she touched my _ hand what a chill I got Her lips are like a vol _ ca no that's hot I'm proud to say she's my but ter cup. I'm in _ love _ I'm all shook up Oh Oh Oh Oh _ Yeah _ _ Yeah! My tongue gets tied when I try to speak _ My in sides shake like a leaf on a tree There's on ly one cure for this bo dy of mine That's to have that girl that I love so fine! When she touched my _ hand what a chill I got Her lips are like a vol _ ca no that's hot I'm proud to say she's my but ter cup. I'm in _ love _ I'm all shook up Oh Oh Oh Oh _ Yeah _ _ Yeah! Oh Oh Oh Oh _ Yeah! _ _ I'm all shook up!